Prospective Individuals:
If you are interested in joining Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Omega Upsilon Omega Chapter (OUO), please note membership can only be obtained by completing the Sorority’s official Membership Experience (ME). More information can be found on the International Website.
Visiting Members:
Omega Upsilon Omega would love to support you as you return to active membership in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. We are a legacy of sisterhood and service and welcome you back with open arms. We meet on the second Saturday of each month at 10:00 am. Meetings are open only to duly initiated members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and visiting sorors must first be verified before attending a meeting. To proceed with the verification process please contact
Business attire is required. (No denim, tennis shoes, capris or workout attire)
Arrive early to allow enough time for your credentials to be verified before the start of the chapter meeting and be prepared to present your AKA Membership Card and valid photo identification. If you have misplaced your membership card or do not have appropriate proof of membership in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, please visit for assistance regarding verification.
Inactive Members:
If you are interested in joining Omega Upsilon Omega Chapter after being inactive, you can either submit a Graduate Member Reactivation Contact Form or contact OUO for more information. More information can be found on the International Website.
Transferring Members:
If you are a member from out-of-state and are looking to transfer your membership to Omega Upsilon Omega Chapter, you will request a Transfer Verification Form from your previous chapter or contact OUO for more information. More information can be found on the International Website.
Prospective Individuals:
If you are interested in joining Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Omega Upsilon Omega Chapter (OUO), please note membership can only be obtained by completing the Sorority’s official Membership Experience (ME). More information can be found on the International Website.
Visiting Members:
Omega Upsilon Omega would love to support you as you return to active membership in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. We are a legacy of sisterhood and service and welcome you back with open arms. We meet on the second Saturday of each month at 10:00 am. Meetings are open only to duly initiated members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and visiting sorors must first be verified before attending a meeting. To proceed with the verification process please contact
Business attire is required. (No denim, tennis shoes, capris or workout attire)
Arrive early to allow enough time for your credentials to be verified before the start of the chapter meeting and be prepared to present your AKA Membership Card and valid photo identification. If you have misplaced your membership card or do not have appropriate proof of membership in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, please visit for assistance regarding verification.
Inactive Members:
If you are interested in joining Omega Upsilon Omega Chapter after being inactive, you can either submit a Graduate Member Reactivation Contact Form or contact OUO for more information. More information can be found on the International Website.
Transferring Members:
If you are a member from out-of-state and are looking to transfer your membership to Omega Upsilon Omega Chapter, you will request a Transfer Verification Form from your previous chapter or contact OUO for more information. More information can be found on the International Website.